ps/o8.e. concordiauniversitytuesdayapril42006
ps/o8 public museum | silent listen | the aids uncanny

I. Welcome. [1 minute]
      Facilitator: Dont Rhine

II. 4'33" [8 minutes]
      A. Silence.
      B. Evaluate the Silence.

III. Review Minutes. [7 minutes]
      Location: Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff
      Date: Thursday, June 23, 2005

IV. Open the Record. [35 minutes]
      A. First Speaker: Cynthia
            1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
            2. Review the Record.

      B. Second Speaker: Sylvain Duguay
            1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
            2. Review the Record.

      C. Third Speaker: Mylene Saint-Pierre
            1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
            2. Review the Record.

      D. Fourth Speaker: Jean-Pierre Belisle
            1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
            2. Review the Record.

V. Open to the Floor. [9 minutes]
      A. Fifth Speaker.
      B. Sixth Speaker.
      C. Seventh Speaker.
      D. Eighth Speaker.
      E. Ninth Speaker.
      F. Tenth Speaker.

VI. Close the Record. [1 minute]

[TRT: 61 minutes]