anti-imperialism and boombox politics

Beginning in 1998, Ultra-red launched an on-going investigation into the relationship between self-identified global electronica and the context of these developments within global capitalism. Each dispatch in this series features site recordings from specific locations within North America the totality of which form an imperialist archipelago. Drifting across the continent from Wall Street to the Tijuana Border, from the School of the Americas to the World Bank, Ultra-red takes its place in the growing opposition to tyrannical myths of benign globalization.

ps/o4.a. esperanza(enlafrontera)
ps/o4.b. (estagranhumanidadhadicho)¡yabasta!
ps/o4.c. n30
ps/o4.d. a16
ps/o4.e. democraticnationalconvention(forthcoming)
ps/o4.f. ¡amnistia!
ps/o4.g. laeconomíanueva(operationgatekeeper)
ps/o4.h. imperialbeach
ps/o4.i. f15